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Trustee's Thought

About Us > Trustee's Thought

Trustee's Thought

Konkan is a most picturesque yet most backward region of coastal Maharashtra. The youth of Konkan region was deprived of technical education for years. It was Mr. Rajaram Shinde's concern and vision to enable this youth with some kind of technical education.He bravely ventured and started an institute in 1983, which is today catering to about 2500 students,giving technical education.

"To import the flow of Technical Education to Konkan is my Humble and foremost duty..."

It was the need of the forthcoming 21st century that the students should get not only the conventional education but they must also specialize in some kind of vocational or technical education which will enable them for their own progress as well as the progress of this so-called backward rural area.

"Future Plans"

  • The Society has put in all effort to attract the young generation to Technical Education.

  • In this Computer era, we are trying to provide 24 hours Internet Facility. We are trying to educate our student through advance power system, electrical drive software.

  • We try to arrange in plant training for our students in their vacation period.

  • We are the process of upadating our labs , setting up new labs for thermal engineering.

  • We always endeavor to bring the latest technologies to our labs.

  • We regularly arranged seminars, projects , debates and group discussion for student.

  • We are planning to arrange paper representation for our student and staff too.