Silence should be observed strictly in the Library& Maintain atmosphere of dignity, peace and silence in the library.
Always carry Institute ID-Card while using the library and must be produced whenever asked for.
All the students should produce their Identity card at the entrance.
All the students should enter their name in the Entry Register
Before entering in to the library students should switch of the cell phones.
Writing any matters or drawing Picture etc. on table or wall is strictly prohibited & is punishable.
Documents taken out of the shelves must be kept on the reading tables. Replacing the documents on the shelves by users is not encouraged as the documents may get misplaced.
Books issued should not be brought to the library except for check-in or renewal.
No material from the library should be taken out without proper issuing / recording. Any type of violation may lead to disciplinary action.
Periodical will note issued; but are available for study within the library.
Tearing of sheets from book & newspapers is strictly prohibited & is punishable.
Students must satisfy themselves whether the books are in good condition, before they leave the counter. if any damage is noticed, the same must be immediately intimated. Otherwise, they will be held responsible for any damage.
Loss of borrowing cards & books should be reported to Librarian immediately.
Duplicate borrowing cards will be issued on payment of Rs, 50-@
In the Library premises Using Cellular phones & audio instruments with or without speaker or headphone is strictly prohibited.
User computers and touch screens kept in the library should be used only for searching OPAC / downloading scholarly information / taking print outs.
Personal printed materials in the form of books are not allowed to bring inside the library.
Books will be Issued to the students for 8 days only
If the book are lost, then the borrower hall replace the books of the same edition or latest edition or pay double cost of the book after getting permission from the Librarian.
Audible use of mobile phones, smoking, food and drinks are not allowed in the library
Students are required to handle the books/ periodical very carefully; marking with pencil, writing or highlighting, tearing the pages or mutilating the same in any other way will be viewed very seriously. In such cases reader shall be held responsible unless these are brought to the notice of the library staff at the time of issue.
Newspapers, periodical will not be issued from the library.
Keep your personal belongings at the Property Counter.
Students should be careful for their belongings & are solely responsible for any type of misplacing.