
Our Services / Facilities

Facilities > Our Services / Facilities



  • Our Services
    • Circulation Section
    • Periodical Section
    • OPAC – Section
    • Stacking Area
    • Reference Section
    • Reading Room Area
    • Digital Library Section



The library has subscribed to NDLI – National Digital Library of India since 2015.Electronic databases through which users can access more than 5500 journal titles & more than 12,00,000 book titles in a variety of disciplines. Please click on N-LIST to access E-resources.

Free Online Resources

DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
DOAB (Directory of Open Access Book

  • Our Facilities
    • Digital Library of 10 pcs is open for staff & students
    • Reference services is available for the students & staff
    • C.A.S [ Current Awareness Service] is available for the students & staff
    • Open access is offered to students & staff members
    • Reference and Information Service Document Delivery Services
    • Book Bank facilities for Backward students
    • Inter Library Loan
    • Printing and Photocopy Service
    • Students can avail photocopy and printing facility @ 1 Rs per page with a maximum
    • limit of 200 pages per day. Monthly list of New Additions of Books
    • Monthly list of Table of Contents Service for in-house publications
    • Help in procurement of books required for personal use
    • New additions of books to the library
    • Bibliographic details of books
    • Number of copies
    • Status of book
    • Reserve book
    • Issued to whom
    • Due date
    • Search OPAC to know